
Wondertilt Episode 3: English Is Hard!?

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There are many ways of communication. The utterance of sounds through our mouths make up one of the forms of communication. Language.  We three try to understand the english language and its many rules that can be broken at our greatest convenience. A splicing of words into a new word is also allowed as long […]


Wondertilt Episode 1: Just A Taste

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Welcome to Wondertilt.  Join CloudComa, Supa Dave, and Russ as they talk a little bit about themselves and what they mean to accomplish with making this podcast.   They hope to bring you knowledge, laughs and entertainment without going too much on random tangents.  Here’s a taste of what is to come.  Enjoy!


Day One

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Today marks the day Wondertilt Podcast’s site comes into existence.  We are starting with a basic setup for now and will continue to update as time goes on.  We will strive to post content regularly and aim to release shows every Thursday.  Our schedules may clash at times for recordings, but we will try our […]