CloudComa Writing

I Didn’t Care

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I Didn’t Care I didn’t care Not about their curious gazes Not how their furrowed brows questioned How for them Time flowed without end They talked amongst themselves about others I cared When your eyes met mine Never to stop their greeting How for me A moment shifted to endless As you spoke between us […]

CloudComa Writing

Story Teller

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Just felt like posting this cause it’s done.  First poem/story/words that I’ve written.  There might be more in the future.   Story Teller Lead me to the door of a great library Atop pale, delicate collarbone lays bare the key that allows entry Eighteen year old books decorate the shelves with each its home You […]


Wondertilt Podcast Episode 11: Pets

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Check out the latest episode on Youtube.  Just click the image to be redirected to the episode.  Episode 11 will not be available on Itunes until the beginning of July.  Just ran out of space for this month.  ¯\_(ツ)_/¯  Like and subscribe.  Give us feedback.  Thank you for listening and being a part of the conversation.



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A quick announcement to tell you guys that the podcast is now available on Itunes.  Search up Wondertilt on the podcast app to be up to date on the latest episodes as they come out.  Subscribe and leave a rating.  Spreading the word also helps us.  Thank you for listening and being part of the […]


Wondertilt Episode 10: Winning

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Are you achieving your goals in life?  Whether you want to be a better person, a great parent, or a millionaire.  Are you taking the steps necessary to come out with a win every day?  Remember that slow progress is still progress.


Wondertilt Episode 8: Food

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Have you ever tried food and regretted it immediately?  Have you ever tried food and decided that you could eat that for the rest of your life?  You have to try everything as least once.  Food is different everywhere you go and the same foods can also be cooked differently.  We discuss one of our […]