CloudComa Writing

Coloured Vision

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Coloured Vision Sun yellow shines on forest green White light can’t pierce dark canopy Clear wind crosses red fire to spread Blue rain kisses grey ash now dead Still death gives birth to new life Your yellow My green Ignite – CloudComa (Claudio J. Oyarzun) October 4, 2018

CloudComa Writing


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Empower Why is it that With two words You calm My storm? When was it that I gave you Such power? – CloudComa (Claudio J. Oyarzun) October 3, 2018

CloudComa Writing

First Response

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First Response Your silence aggravates Me more than anything You could ever say Ignoring me isn’t the issue It’s knowing I caused it That lights my temper – CloudComa (Claudio J. Oyarzun) October 1, 2018

CloudComa Writing

Fallen Angel

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Fallen Angel I ran as you pulled The halo off my head. You loved me more As I tore feathers From my back. On this earth I kneel for One you created All to be Closer to you – CloudComa (Claudio J. Oyarzun) September 29. 2018

CloudComa Writing

I’m Not Good At Goodbyes

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I’m Not Good At Goodbyes There was one chance to touch you.  I dreaded the thought.  For in that moment.  Once I had my arms around  you.  I would never want to let go. I wasn’t ready to start something that would end so soon.  Something that might not continue for years.  I wasn’t ready. […]

CloudComa Writing

I Miss You

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I Miss You Don’t read these words I don’t want you to see them Pretend they mean nothing I’ve no courage to speak them – CloudComa (Claudio J. Oyarzun) September 29, 2018

CloudComa Writing


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Inkwell With writer’s quill I pierce my heart For I know not How else to express How it feels Blood on paper Should be enough – CloudComa (Claudio J. Oyarzun) September 23, 2018

CloudComa Writing


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Sadness My old friend My meeting you Started as a strife Lump in my throat Moister in my eyes Your very presence My wanting to hide Time spent with you Changed me inside Your arrival now welcome A sight for sore eyes I learned to appreciate The reasons I cry Are not just for struggles […]

CloudComa Writing

You Felt

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You Felt As you felt for me I was numb and empty With a needle of anger And strings of sorrow You mended my heart Taking my ache and pain You made me stronger – CloudComa (Claudio J. Oyarzun) September 20, 2018