CloudComa Writing

Good Morning

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Good Morning It may have seemed trivial to wake you with it every day. Maybe the words lost meaning the more they were said. I like to think not. Little by little the good built up. Wider and wider the morning spread. What little meaning each time held began to be saved up. All for […]

CloudComa Writing


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  Worth I don’t ask myself if you’re worth the wait. What a stupid question. I ask myself if I’ll be enough of the right man to be worthy of you. If you ever decide to want someone in your life. – CloudComa (Claudio J. Oyarzun) October 28, 2018

CloudComa Writing

Back In Time

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Back In Time Would it be easier if we never knew of each other. Living life as we were before I shattered it with my selfishness. What would it have been like. Fulfilling our dreams without worry and distraction. without a wanting and a waiting. Not complicating life for me. For you. I’d go back […]

CloudComa Writing


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Diluted I wrote not enough to bleed my thoughts on paper. The writing releases the emotions to those who read it. Those who relate. So we can all share the feelings together. Like salt diluted in the sea. If I dilute it enough, it won’t hurt as much. Feel as much. Like poison. Like love. […]

CloudComa Writing

Not Enough

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Not Enough He’s just the right age to not die before her when they grow old together. To never leave her alone for rest of her life. She smiles at his jokes because they’re just the right amount of ridiculous and intellect to keep her laughing and thinking. Her hands run through his soft thick […]


Wondertilt Podcast Episode 12: Long Time No Talk

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We’re back baby! The boys hold a casual reunion and catch-up episode. Enjoy the banter as CloudComa, SupaDave, and Russ get the band together again. Beard Triforce : DIY mousse : Youtube:

CloudComa Writing

You’re A Storm

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You’re A Storm I want… The rain to kiss my skin The wind to wreck my hair Lightning reveals what is hidden Thunder roars to be acknowledged Push me over with your strength – CloudComa (Claudio J. Oyarzun) October 6, 2018