CloudComa Writing

Story Teller

Just felt like posting this cause it’s done.  First poem/story/words that I’ve written.  There might be more in the future.


Story Teller

Lead me to the door
of a great library
Atop pale, delicate collarbone
lays bare the key
that allows entry

Eighteen year old books
decorate the shelves
with each its home
You contain the addresses
Read to me each one
the order erratic
important to you

You delight in our exchange
leaning in closer
your stunning figure at last eased
I won’t stop you
I fear the farewell

Piercing faze now a welcome surrender
Pale water of a sea shore
Stars in their depths
A torrent of song
Awful in its organization
I’m lost

Now Moonlight
Cute and lost in your unnecessary worry
Time slows as your skirt twirls

Hands no longer clasped
you join with mine
Pulled through halls
filled with addressed shelves
Lacking residents to call them home
We approach a door
Our hands at your heart
you allow entry

Desk strewn with leather bound books
not yet finished
waiting for a home to reside in
Scents of ink and paper
You set my hand free
No longer warm

Poised in the corner
Instrument in hand
Bow in the other
Fingers dance on taught cords
Pulling at heart strings
A siren voice to wreck my ship
Controlling emotions
Controlling me

Soft pink lips
stretch and part
I want your smile
all to myself,
Story Teller

-CloudComa (Claudio J. Oyarzun)
October 27, 2018