CloudComa Writing

Not Enough

Not Enough

He’s just the right age to not die before her when they grow old together.
To never leave her alone for rest of her life.
She smiles at his jokes because they’re just the right amount of ridiculous and intellect to keep her laughing and thinking.
Her hands run through his soft thick hair.
His eyes drawing her in with their sadness.
She tip-toes to meet his lips with hers.
Strong arms wrap around her trembling body.
His shirt drenched with her salty tears.
She misses her family.
The phone’s light is keeping her awake.
The bell chimes from every one of his messages.
She knows she’ll be tired in class tomorrow.
She doesn’t care.
She wants to share every moment with him.
He attracts her.
He makes her happy.
He cares for her.
He’s made to be with her.
He’s not me and I’m…

-CloudComa  (Claudio J. Oyarzun)
October 15, 2018