CloudComa Writing

Good Morning

Good Morning

It may have seemed trivial to wake you with it every day.
Maybe the words lost meaning the more they were said.
I like to think not.
Little by little the good built up.
Wider and wider the morning spread.
What little meaning each time held began to be saved up.
All for this final hello.
The last one to fill in all the rest of your mornings.
I’m telling you now cause I don’t think I’ll make it for tomorrow.
Not this time.
I bet you feel it now.
That simple gesture and those cheap words once taken for granted.
Their absence weighs heavy now.
Don’t cry.
I’ll see you again when you go into your deep sleep.
I never liked the night though.
Any time spent not looking at you was torture in my dreams, but here I am now.
Another tradition to which I remained faithful.
I’ll say it.
Good night.

-CloudComa  (Claudio J. Oyarzun)
November 2, 2018